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(Text under the first three headings by Dick Eastman) Crime Does Not Fit the Pattern of a Terrorist The terrorist attack is silly: There was no threat made to the people of the USA There were no demands made There was no claim as to who did it What did they hope to accomplish? Let’s see … they hate us because of our freedoms and they did it to get us to bomb the shit out of Afghanistan? Quite a story, huh! Great reason to die. I doubt a three year old would buy that one. But Fits the Pattern of Government Misdoing Why after falling in love with scandalous situations have they [the major media outlets in America] avoided this story is almost as inconceivable as the atrocities themselves. [They are part of the world conspiracy. See “TheTrilateral Commission and the Role of the Financiers” in item 666 of the Axis of Evil Pie Menu, Section, A. An Unhealthy Kind of Globalization]. The inconsistencies surrounding the failure of our air defense, law enforcement, intelligence and all alleged events including the official (limited sound bit driven) statements by our government officials is the grassy knoll revisited [the same skirting of the issue of the JFK murder] and the message from our government is saying the same thing. Their unspoken words “this is the truth because we say it is and we are in charge not you, the people, who should not question us for we know what is best for you” is not only shocking but frightening. Imagine now after blatantly killing the highest elected official in our great land and delivering an obvious cover up they now have resorted to slaughtering 2800 plus people because it is in the best interest of Democracy. With the Usual (Mischief-Making) Government Agencies If 9-11 was not the work of Arab Fundamentalists who hate our freedoms --- then it was done by professional intelligence services (Mossad/CIA/MI6) as a meticulous false-flag frame-up operation -- and if that is the case every contingency of deception was meticulously planned -- even down to the planted witnesses, the psy op spin “reporting”, the “witnesses” and guys who post it to the strategic e-mail lists. Who Work for the World Conspiracy “The Trilateral Commission is international … (and) … is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.” Of Domination by the Global Financiers to Enslave Humanity “The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. [By seizing the four centers of power: Political, Monetary, Intellectual, and Ecclesiastical. See also “The Global Elite’s Social Engineering Document” in Item 666 of the Axis of Evil Pie Menu, Section B, “A Money System that Destroys and Enslaves”] “It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Zionism, Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of a World Government …” -- Lewis McFadden, U.S. Congressman Through the Current Weak Link of Believing What We are Told to Believe, Rather Than Thinking for Ourselves “Oh mortal man, is there anything you cannot be made to believe?” -- Adam Wisehaupt, the founder of The Order of the Illuminati, and the designer of the plan for world domination currently in progress -- through trickery and deception -- starting with the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks (orchestrated and carried out by third world men in caves, yeah, right). Summary of What Has Happened and The State of Our World (9-11 was the Trigger Event for a World Tyranny by a Diabolically Devious Global Elite) 1. Crime [of WTC and Pentagon Attacks] Does Not Fit the Pattern of a Terrorist 2. But Fits the Pattern of Government Misdoing 3. With the Usual (Mischief-Making) Government Agencies 4. Who Work for the World Conspiracy 5. Of Domination by the Global Financiers to Enslave Humanity 6. Through the Current Weak Link of Believing What We are Told to Believe, Rather Than Thinking for Ourselves Other Questions and Pieces to the Bigger Picture By NewWorldPeace.com To next article in The Push of Humanity Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1