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Selamat Jarin!! Again we appear, with much to discuss. We begin by fervently asking you to continue your prayers and meditations for the peace of those who so tragically have departed your realm. It is quite essential that you not forget your divine mission. No one can usurp that mission if you remain forthright and earnest in your commitment to change and to forge a new reality. On this Monday [17 December 2001], with the new moon of Zip, a new and wondrous energy will appear. Use that energy, combined with your own, to demand that those who have consented to carry out various agreements do so immediately. The wanton acts of destruction that you have witnessed were not simply the work of a group of isolated terrorists, but the acts of an immoral cabal that holds positions of power in one of your major governments. These acts were carried out to prevent the formal announcement of a series of crucial agreements. Since that most fateful day, much as happened. This is a time for national grieving and shared sorrow. It is also a time for those who now possess the power to remove these most wilful men, to do so. We cannot overemphasize the importance of removing this cabal from power. They seek to enslave this realm and, later, to use it as a base from which to lash out at the rest of civilized humanity in this galaxy. These foul Beings are the last remnant of a galactic humanity that, long ago, swore a solemn oath of obedience to the dark entity known as Anchara. They live solely for power and for the ability to abuse it as they see fit. Our purpose is not just to oppose them, but rather, to transform them and their heinous agendas. We earnestly ask those on your world who have the power to cast them aside, to do so. If they cannot, then surely these Beings of hate will meet with a most untimely end! The Spiritual Hierarchy, dear Hearts, has issued you a challenge: namely, to unite as never before and to use your great spiritual powers to actually prevent a conflict and to create the first humble beginnings of your new galactic society. In this, we unswervingly support you. Much is expected of you. Yet, even more is expected of those who, presently, hold the keys to power. Their task remains to physically carry out what we are all about to intend. Our fleet and, more especially, our defense contingent, will vigilantly monitor what transpires. We intend to support your heartfelt prayers and to see that these wilful men meet a divine justice, as determined by the dictates of Spirit and the divine plan. It is not our choice to do so without such circumspect guidance. However, we will do whatever we can to support you. We know that, together, we will find a path to creatively resolve these matters, in full accordance with the sacred edicts of the Creator. Whether it demands more forceful use of our craft or pressure, strong and properly applied, on our earthly allies, we will discover a way to successfully orchestrate a peaceful solution. The next days and weeks are extremely crucial. In them, you play a very important part. Use your existing prayers and meditations to create an intention that will manifest a divine solution. This is a time to emphasize your connections with one another. Gather, communicate and, most of all, express your determination for this very serious matter to be peacefully resolved. Peace, Truth and Justice - not war- are the answer! In doing so, you are entering the next stage of your journey to full consciousness. It is most difficult for limited conscious Beings to join together to seek out Truth and pursue their divinity. This search must be carried out, not in an environment of guilt and revenge, but simply to seek Spirit's answer and to discover how Earth's humanity can progress toward its divine destiny as a unifying whole of sovereign and free Beings. This part of your mission is a great test. To accomplish it is no easy matter. This mission requires much compassion. With it must come a willingness to accept Love as the only way. This is time for you to cast aside your outer emotions and discover an inner, heartfelt grace. Expect to receive a great deal of information, and many feelings and strategies. Join together and discover what it all really means. Heaven has provided a most wonderful opportunity for you to grow together. We ask you to take it and discover a way to unlock the mysteries that underlie our existence and your own divine purpose. These heinous events are typical of what has occurred upon your world for millennia. Those in power have used a grievous act to deceive and divert you. Events such as these have often led to needless wars or unnecessary divisions. They intensify mindless hate and foist upon you a continuing cycle of manipulation. Now is the time for you to break this cycle and demand that your government provide you with the prosperity and justice that you so rightly deserve. To do so signals the degree of 'awaken-ness' that you have engendered in yourself and your society. For far too long, those who secretly control you have wrapped themselves in tragedies that they have deviously created for their own purposes. When those in power realize that these deceptions no longer work, they will see the powerful spiritual intention that is manifested by humanity. Part of our own purpose, at times, is to direct you and offer you much-needed guidance. This is one of these times. We strongly suggest that you begin to call attention to the real Truth that underlies these wanton acts. We urge you to use this time to join together in prayer and sorrow. By making purposeful use of this heartrendering union, you will be able to create a soaring groundswell for peace and for Love. In this atmosphere of burgeoning compassion, much good can come to pass. You can begin to resolve past hatreds, and discover in each other the beauty that you hold within. You can quiet the patterns of war hysteria on your world and reveal a new and harmonious design. From this new design, a worldwide web of growing compassion can help to fashion the beginnings for your galactic society. This society is based upon Love and respect for the individual's inalienable right to sovereignty and freedom. It ends the condition of servitude that most of Earth's humanity knows all too well. We have long pledged ourselves to these principles. Presently, the people of your realm are able to demonstrate their allegiance to these same noble truths. Within you, Beloveds, exists the God-given ability to manifest these many virtues. It only requires, first, an individual and, then, a collective will to do so. What better time to display it, publicly, than now! Often, negative events are merely the springboard to positive action. This time is surely a case in point. We ask you to show your commitment to peace. Step forward and affirm your intentions. Let this simple process serve as a catalyst so that others will do so, too. Together, dear hearts, you will prevail! Activate your power. Affirm your intentions and allow those who support you to alter the present course of events from potential war to imminent peace! Demand justice, but from a place of Love, rather than out of shock and revenge. These important times are primarily for transformation and ascension. It is crucial that whatever occurs, does so within this sacred framework where you can freely flourish as true galactic citizens. Your purpose is not to punish, nor even to seek unwise restitution for those who were so horrendously victimized by these unspeakable acts. Rather, it is appropriate to let proper divine Justice run its inevitable course. The loss of power and the rapid fall from grace of these wilful cabals will be a deep and sufficient punishment for them. Seek only divine retribution and let Heaven be their final Judge. The Ascended Masters of your realm await the most opportune moment for this apt request. Only seek peace, harmony and the best of ways to express your divine Love for each other. Today, dear Hearts, we discussed in more detail the sad events of this day. We ask you to use this time to grieve and to express your growing sadness and then, to join together as never before. Use your awakened powers to manifest peace. With those powers, demand the Truth and end the reprehensible power of this last recalcitrant cabal. Most important, act out of Love. We now take our leave. Blessings! Know that Heaven's countless Prosperity and Abundance is yours! Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!) Humanity’s Liberation Through A Never-Before Unity Galactic Update from the Ethers By The Source Posted on the Independent Newswire on 14 December 2001 Ref: www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=106032&group=webcast To Prophecy from France’s Dostoevsky Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1