![]() A Soundbite Commentary |
1. AMERICAN SOLDIERS DIE IN WAR FOR OIL! 2. BUSH'S NAZI PAST--AND PRESENT. BUSH MONEY NAZI MONEY FROM WWII. GRANDFATHER A TRAITOR UNDER TRADING WITH THE ENEMY--THE AMERICAN MONEY LAUNDERER FOR NAZI GERMANY. 3. SHREDDING THE CONSTITUTION 4. WELFARE ONLY FOR THE RICH 5. ENRON AND BUSH--TOGETHER SINCE THE 1970S IN POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS. 6. HIDING THE CRIMES: BUSH ATTEMPTS TO STOP 9-11 INVESTIGATION. WHAT IS HE HIDING? 7. HIDING THE CRIMES: CHENEY SEIZES HIS PUBLIC PAPERS, CHENEY SUED BY G.A.O. 8. HIDING THE CRIMES: GUILIANI SEIZES HIS PUBLIC PAPERS, IN NYC. 9. HIDING THE CRIMES: BUSH FREEZES PRESIDENTIAL PAPERS ALREADY DUE TO BE RELEASED FROM HIS OWN FATHER'S PRESIDENCY, FREEZES OTHERS. 10. F-16 COULD HAVE MADE WTC'S IN TIME: THEY FLEW AT LESS THAN HALF SPEED INTENTIONALLY. 11. F-16 COULD HAVE MADE WASH D.C IN TIME: THEY FLEW FROM A DISTANT AIRBASE INSTEAD OF MORE LOCAL ONE. 12. INDEPENDENT DISTRICTING NOW!! REQUIRE COMMISIONS IN STATES TO MAKE COMPETITIVE DISTRICTS - PRESENTLY THE U.S PARTY SYSTEM HAS CONFLICT OF INTEREST WITH DISTRICTING: (THERE WERE 90 INHERITED CONGRESSIONAL SEATS IN 1996, 60 INHERITED CONGRESSIONAL SEATS IN 2000, MEANING THAT NO ONE BOTHERED TO RUN AGAINST THEM, THE OLD REPRESENTATIVE/SENATOR WAS ROLLED OVER WITHOUT AN ELECTION--THE U.S. IS A DE FACTO ONE PARTY STATE - ONLY 45 DISTRICTS OUT OF 535 IN THE CONGRESS ARE COMPETITIVE ESTIMATED FOR 2002 CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS, BY FAIRVOTE.ORG U.S. ELECTIONS ARE USELESS: DISTRICTS ARE DRAWN TO BE INCUMBANCIES IN ONE PARTY ELECTIONS IN EACH DISTRICT, INSTEAD OF TOWARDS COMPETITIVE PARTIES [see www.fairvote.org]) 13. IMPEACH THE SUPREME COURT 5! YES, JUSTICES HAVE BEEN IMPEACHED BEFORE. 14. NO EVIDENCE FOR BIN LADEN AND 9-11 My Two Cents By Greg 4:07pm Mon Feb 4 '02 When propagating, don’t' make people feel obligated to do something. If they are just getting introduced to this sort of thing they would rather read it, absorb it and get to the next class (I'm thinking in context of my High School, a vast untilled field that can't pay attention to anything of substance for more than 8 seconds). It’s also worth repeating to be down to Earth. Don't try to express any complex thoughts right off. You’ll lose them immediately. But this might also be too much to ask of today's youth. The biggest problem I've run into is these people struggle through almost all reading material. It would really help if any of them felt passionately about reading. Therefore it would be good to fight for stronger education first. This issue would also be a good first step for those who previously didn't care. It also helps to be visceral. Simple basic messages require very little brain power and will get an immediate positive response if produced well. The Power To Hide Crimes and To Do As You Will A Soundbite Commentary A Few Soundbites For You By asdf Posted as a comment on the Independent Newswire on 4 February 2002 Ref: www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=129526&group=webcast To next article for Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1