![]() The Flyer |
A pdf flyer Download attached file: the__september__11__hoax.pdf (mimetype: application/pdf ) There is now irrefutable evidence that the Sept 11 attacks were organized by the Bush administration. Thousands of innocent people were murdered as a propaganda excuse to inflict even greater atrocities on people in other countries. This flyer summarizes the case and gives information about where to directly access the meticulous research which backs up this claim. Because those who unearthed this material had to risk their lives to do so, its publication is so far mostly confined to the internet. This is an attempt to bring this knowledge into the wider community. SOME OF THE EVIDENCE: ------------------------------------------ --The US Airforce was stood down from routine airspace security regulations for more than an hour while the attacks were in progress. --------------------------------------- -The President knew of the crisis at a much earlier time than has been officially admitted, and pretended not to know until after the attacks on the WTC. After being officially told, he continued to read with school children about pet goats, smiling and joking for more than 20 minutes, at the same time as a third hijacked plane flew towards Washington. --------------------------------------- -Passenger lists show there were no Arabs aboard any of the hijacked planes. 7 of the 19 alleged hijackers are known to be still alive. --------------------------------------- -Insider trading connected to the attacks was closely linked to the CIA. --------------------------------------- -There are significant business ties between members of the Bush administration and the Bin Laden family. Both may be profiting from the war. --------------------------------------- -2 weeks before the attacks, the [deputy] director of the FBI resigned in protest over being ordered to back off investigations into Bin Laden and Al Qaida. He was given the job of head of security at the WTC, and was killed in the attacks on his first day [on] the job. --------------------------------------- -Since declaring Bin Laden wanted for terrorism, successive US administrations have twice turned down opportunities to take him into custody. He is believed to have met with the CIA in July 2001. ------------------------------------------ --There is plenty more and new evidence is being continually uncovered. Why? Motives include oil, Afghanistan's strategic significance, being central to 5 nuclear powers, and profits from arms trading and reconstruction. This is fully documented research. A former state secretary of the German defence ministry has told the German newspaper "Tagesspiegel" that the official stories are impossible to believe. The commander in chief of the Russian airforce has said the same. Vision TV in Canada is currently airing a series of programs examining the issue. -------------------------------------- -Because information has emerged piece by piece, there is no single source which contains everything. It is scattered around the internet on different sites, by different authors in different articles. Below is a guide to the main sources of information. www.emperors-clothes.com/ http://globalresearch.ca/ www.copvcia.com The September 11 Hoax --The Flyer By Freebooter http://freebooter.interfree.it freebooter@interfree.it Posted on the Independent Newswire on 27 January 2002 Ref: www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=124749& group=webcast To next article for Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1