![]() American Media Should Be Ashamed |
NOTE: From May 30-June 2, 2002, the ultra-secret, ultra-elitist Bilderberg cabal will meet at the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Va., seven miles south of Washington, D.C. The big question is: will the local and national media cover this extremely crucial event? In mid-April, 2002, the Trilateral Commission met for four days at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C. As they do every year, this highly influential group of world leaders from North America, Japan and Europe plotted ways to promote their globalist agenda. Some of the items on their nefarious list this year were: - America's upcoming invasion of Iraq, and how to lure Europe and other Asian nations into supporting our War Machine. - Further create a multinational financial octopus, with the United Nations as the head of a one-world government. - Keep pumping money, technology, and computers into China, bolstering them as the next premier global superpower. - Funnel more American aid to "under-exploited" foreign countries, leading the way for the implementation of a World Tax. - Finally, prevent the Israeli/Palestinian war from turning into a complete powder keg, thus endangering our Middle Eastern oil supplies. To me, each of these issues seems vitally important, even crucial, to the world. Others thought so too, for some of the attendees included: - David Rockefeller - Overlord, Chase-Manhattan Bank - Paul Volcker - Former Chairman, Federal Reserve - Charles Robb - Former Senator - Robert McNamara - Former Secretary of Defense - Kenneth Lay - Former CEO, Enron - Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State - Winston Lord - Former China Ambassador - David Gergen - Editor, U.S. News and World Report - Zbigniew Brzezinski - Former Head of National Security, Trilat co-founder - Madeline Albright - Former Secretary of State - John Deutch - Former Head, CIA - Richard Holbrook - Former U.S. Ambassador to U.N. - Harold Brown - Former Secretary of Defense - Strobe Talbott - Former Under Secretary of State - Tom Foley - Former Speaker of the House Some fairly important names, huh? Well, in addition to them, there was also the head of Goldman-Sachs International, which is one of the ten firms that hold the most stock in our nation's Federal Reserve System. Plus, there were other representatives from: - Fuji Xerox - The Ambassador of Germany - a Georgetown Professor - a Washington Post columnist - Chairman, Archer-Daniels Midland - President, Club of Rome - International Monetary Fund managing director - Former Canadian High Commissioner to the U.K. - a member of the British Parliament - President Emeritus, AFL-CIO (NITE branch) - President, Federal Reserve - Chairman, Levi-Strauss - Director of Rothschild & Sons - Vice Chairman, Citicorp (which owns 22% of NYFR stock) - CEO, Institution of Global Economics, Seoul - Former Minister of Trade, Mexico - Former Irish Senator - Former CEO, Xerox - Former President of Mexico Finally, some of the speakers and panelists were: - Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States - Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve - Colin Powell, Secretary of State - Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense In all, 251 of the most influential businessmen, statesmen, politicians, financiers, and academics met right in Washington, D.C., and how much did you hear about it in your local or national media? I'll bet nothing! I mean, Kenneth Lay, fallen head of Enron, was there. Every time he sneezed or clipped a hangnail, the press reported on it. But not this time at the Trilateral Commission meeting. Think of it this way (as veteran reporter Jim Tucker of the American Free Press so eloquently puts it). Every year when the world's greatest actors get together at the Academy Awards, is the media present? Yes. How about when America's two best football teams meet at the Super Bowl. Is the media there? Of course. TV's Emmy awards - the media is there. Grammy's - the media is there en force. Hell, the media even reports on hog-calling contests at the State Fair in Arkansas. But when some of the most powerful men and women congregate to determine the course of future history, did any of the following cover their meeting: ABC - NO NBC - NO CBS - NO New York Times - NO Newsweek - NO Time Magazine - NO Hell, the Washington Post and U.S. News and World Report even had journalists present! They should be running full-color blowout cover story articles on the Trilateral Commission's meeting. Regrettably, they're not. Instead, we get the same old sanitized, censored pablum that keeps the masses socially controlled and uninformed. Why? It's appalling. In Russia, there used to be an old joke about their two primary newspapers - Pravda, which means "truth," and Isvestia, which translates to "News." The punch line was: "There's no truth in Pravda, and no news in Isvestia!" All of us in America laugh at that joke because we enjoy freedom of the press and openness in the media, right? Wrong. Where is the "truth" and "news" in our media if we're being spoon-fed crap that is supposed to condition and brainwash us instead of to inform us? What differentiates us from the old hard-core Soviets if we're not being told the truth? Sure, there are alternate sources of insight, like the Internet and underground press, but the mainstream media in this country should be ashamed of themselves. Again I'll ask - why do they refuse to give us the whole story? Well, the answer lies in an all-pervasive concept: Control. Y'see, being that five multinational corporations now own the entirety of the mainstream media in this country; they essentially determine what you see and cannot see (or read or hear). With this stranglehold over the media, here's how they control their output. Let's pretend there's a hotshot journalist that graduates from college, and he lands his first job at a small-town newspaper. Young and idealistic, he writes articles about township council meetings and profiles on little old ladies growing petunias in their backyard. Everything is running smoothly, and life is good. Within a year the kid moves on to a small city paper, keeps shining, and soon finds himself writing at a nationally known publication. He soon gets married, has two children, and buys a big house in a nice neighborhood. He even wins a few awards along the way. His future is bright. Then, when all seems settled and cool, this reporter gets tipped-off to an incredibly horrendous program that is secretly being implemented on and against the American people without their knowledge. The reporter, outraged, does some research and discovers that, yes; this shit really is going down. So, with facts in hand and a belly full of bravado to back him up, he storms into his editor's office and lays it all out, saying that he wants to expose this obvious injustice. Now here's where things get sticky. The editor obviously knows what's going on, so he sits the reporter down and tells him quite frankly that these types of stories "CANNOT" be covered because of the potential damage it could cause to the Controllers. The reporter freaks out and says that if his newspaper won't blow the lid off this story, he'll take his notes and sources to another outlet. The editor, who'd been through this same routine twenty years earlier, explains to the man that he's a great reporter with tons of potential, but if he pursues this story, he'll be blackballed within the Industry. Sure, he might get an underground publication to run his story, but in the mainstream, he's all washed-up. That means no more cushy assignments, hobnobbing with influential personalities, no more killer salary, and no more promotions or vacations in Hawaii. Hell, in all likelihood, he'll probably be shit-canned in the near future if he causes any more trouble. The reporter protests, but his editor tells him to consider the impact on his career. Without the big money rolling in, how can he pay his mortgage, keep his trophy wife in pretties, send their two children to private school, and dine at the finest restaurants? He'll go from prince to pauper, get divorced, and live a shit life. So, the reporter goes home and discusses his options with his wife, then returns to work the next day to tell his editor that, yes, he'll can the expose and bury it. Pleased, the editor lets his "higher-ups" know that this guy is a "team player," and soon he gets another promotion. Then, a couple of years down the line he gets assigned to be the Executive Editor at a mid-sized newspaper. That's when some hotshot citizens come to him with a story that'll blow the lid off a government scam. They have tons of information, sources, and data - and want the new editor to run their story. By this time, though, the editor knows how the game is played. He wasn't assigned to this job to report on news that benefits the community. He was put there to "keep a lid" on everything - to not blow any covers. So the editor tells his "higher-ups" what's going on, and asks how he should handle it. They tell him, and the editor puts a dagger through the story and kills it. It's dead, done, and over, and no one's the wiser. The "higher-ups" are again pleased with him for being a "team player," and soon he's promoted to editor at a big-city paper. And welluh, the game goes on and the System stays intact. That's the way it works, but not only in the newspaper business. It's the same in: Television - The same concept applies. Ask Dan Rather - he made his entire career by scamming the JFK Assassination in Dallas where he was the "chosen" reporter. He soon replaced Walter Cronkite as the anchor at the CBS Evening News. What's the frequency, Dan? Politics - If a candidate doesn't toe the line, and instead tries to reveal the boatload of crap that's flowing through the bowels of our political system, all of a sudden the big Party Machine money from the Republicans and Democrats that had gone to their re-election campaigns suddenly dries up and is funneled to another candidate that is better "trained" in following the rules. If this candidate insists on trying to expose the inner workings of the Machine, the media conveniently uncovers a "scandal," and the politician is publicly humiliated, insuring that they'll never be re-elected again. Almost all "falls from grace" are not because a certain politician is any dirtier than the rest; it's because they're bucking the System and trying to bring to light all the shit and graft and underhanded schemes. Academia - If an instructor or professor adheres to the accepted "curriculum" and doesn't stray or tell the truth (especially in history, political science, economics, archaeology, and the science fields), they're in the running for all the benefits of academic life. But if they venture into forbidden territory, the promotions, cushy conference trips to Florida in January, the research money, and tenure fade away into oblivion. In other words, teach what is included within the narrow confines established by the Controllers, or else you'll be passed over time and again for someone who is more of a team player. The same rationale applies to the business world, medical profession, and the dog-eat-dog trenches of the legal profession. Either conform, or get bounced and/or rejected. So, with the above information in mind, it's time to test the above theory. I'm sure you remember how I opened this article by writing about the recent Trilateral Commission meeting in Washington, D.C. that went completely unreported in the mainstream American media. But alas, I'm going to give them a chance to redeem themselves. How? Well, during the weekend of May 30-June 2, the Bilderbergs, the most powerful "secret" group of international bankers and high-rollers in the world, will congregate in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriott Hotel, less than ten miles south of Washington, D.C. at Dulles International Airport. There! As first reported in the American Free Press, the location and date have been established. The most influential men and women in the world will be there from May 30-June 2. The big question is, will the American media cover this meeting like they do the Super Bowl or Academy Awards? They should, for some of the people expected there are David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Christopher Dodd (who will be a candidate for the Presidency in 2004), the President of the World Bank, plus queens, military advisors, and business tycoons. In addition, some of the topics to be discussed are: - How to manipulate the "terrorism" War Machine to the Controllers benefit - A United Nations World Tax - A worldwide ban on firearms - How to make the dollar similar to the Euro currency, then filter it throughout North, Central, and South America - Further spread NAFTA to completely destroy whatever industry we have left in America - Oust Saddam Hussein and declare war on Iraq I'm not sure about you, but these issues seem crucial to not only the USA, but the entire planet. More importantly, what these 120 individuals decide at the Bilderberg meeting will then be filtered down to the world leaders who have been "selected" to hold office. That includes America! Think about how atrocious this situation is. It should fill you with rage. A cabal of mega-rich elitists meet 'secretly' once a year to decide world events, then bestow them on OUR 'selected' political leaders in Washington, D.C. to implement. Then, to add insult to injury, the media - our FREE and OPEN media - refuses to cover these meetings. Why? Because they're controlled by the same devils that attend these nefarious conferences. So, ask yourselves, is this the type of situation that benefits us, or does it only perpetuate the Controllers' power? If you're able to see through the ruse that's being perpetrated on us, the next thing you should ask is, how much longer are we going to tolerate being treated like morons? Bilderberg Meeting Due American Media Should Be Ashamed By Victor Thorn Posted on the Independent Newswire on 7 May 2002 Ref: www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=178648 To next article in SIX SIX SIX Fascisizing the World - Shoot to Kill - Nation-States Line Up to the New SS World Order - Attacking the Democratic Constitutions Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1