Complicit? Conspiracy? You decide...

Since September 11, the basic facts-factoids concerning 9-11 (the departure times of the aircraft, etc.) have varied depending on the news organization consulted. In this article, I have used as my default the facts/factoids given in Time magazine's September 11 edition unless otherwise indicated.

(February 12, 2002) -- Those of us who have been watching know Operation 911 was an inside job, pulled off by using remote controlled aircraft. We also know that the military organization responsible for protecting American skies --- the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) -- did not show up on September 11, leaving the skies wide open for the remote controlled jets to work their deadly havoc.

Some will tell you the world is full of coincidences. Here is one for the books. The very people who left the American skies open for the 9-11 attack -- NORAD -- are among the world's leading experts on remote controlled aircraft.

For the rest of the story

By Carol Valentine
14 February 2002

Posted on the Independent Newswire on 14 February 2002. Ref:

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