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Below are 10 stories related to the September 11 terrorist attacks. In my opinion 5,6,7,8 and 9 are the most directly incriminating, 4 may not be true but would clinch it on its own if it is, 2 and 3 are the least surprising, 1 is the most striking, and 10 is the most expressive of the nature of the thing. I have named the main sources for all the stories and have included links to these, where available, at the bottom of the page. 1. The FBI agent who led investigations into Al-Qaeda, John O'Neill, quit in August 2001, saying the investigation was being blocked by the US State Department and oil interests therein. He then became head of security at the World Trade Centre. He was killed on Sept.11. (Irish Times Nov.19). 2. The Bin Ladens have shares in CIA-run defence company The Carlyle Group. George Bush snr. is an employee, and was having business meetings with Bin Laden's family at least as recently as Jan 2000. (Wall Street Journal Sept.27). 3. In March 1996, Sudan offered to extradite bin Laden either to Saudi Arabia or the United States. Although Bin Laden was wanted for bombing the World Trade Centre in 1993, U.S. officials turned down the offer. Sudan expelled Bin Laden instead. (Two years later the U.S. bombed Sudan.) ('The Washington Post,' 3 October 2001). 4. French Intelligence sources have told French newspaper 'Le Figaro' that Bin Laden was in hospital in Dubai from 4th -14th July 2001 and was visited there by local CIA. (Le Figaro Oct.31). The head of the hospital has denied this, and of course it may be untrue. Urologist Doctor Terry Calloway, who was named as having treated Bin Laden, remains unavailable for comment as of mid January 2002. 5. FBI sources told BBC Newsnight that, before September 11, their attempts to investigate Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were being blocked by the U.S. State Department and that this interference had worsened after Bush's election. In the days after September 11, Bin Laden family members under FBI investigation for suspected terrorist connections were flown out of the U.S. with government approval. (BBC Newsnight Nov.6). 6. On June 26 2001, indiareacts.com reported that India had agreed to support a planned US military action in Afghanistan. Indian diplomatic sources told the public affairs magazine that America and Russia had concluded a joint plan for this, that Uzbekistan and Tajikistan had pledged participation, and that India and Iran had pledged logistical support. (indiareacts.com June 26). 7. In July 2001, the US told a Berlin meeting they were planning to attack Afghanistan. (BBC Sept.18,Guardian Sept.22+26). 8. Throughout the year, military and diplomatic preparations were taking place - thousands of Russian troops were building up in Tajikistan, U.S. special forces in Kyrgyzstan, "teach-ins" involving Northern Alliance leaders in London, as well as the long scheduled arrival of huge U.S. and other NATO forces in the Middle East for Operation Bright Star and British forces for Operation Swift Sword. (The Guardian Sept 26, CNN, The Telegraph, The Observer). 9. The head of Pakistan's CIA counterpart, the I.S.I., Lt. General Mahmud Ahmad, lost his job in a government "reshuffle" in October after the Indian government revealed he had authorised a transfer of $100,000 to suspected hijack ringleader Mohammed Atta. (The Times of India, Delhi, 9 October 2001). On September 11, General Mahmud was in Washington meeting his American counterparts. (Pakistan has been the U.S.'s main ally in the region for decades and the I.S.I. is a long established tool of the C.I.A. Naturally they have their own interests, but these do not include starting a war with America.) The U.S. government has made no request to arrest or question General Mahmud. 10. After Bin Laden's June 1996 truck bomb on a U.S. military base in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, (sometimes referred to as the Khobar Towers attack), which killed 19 American servicepeople and injured hundreds, the US built new military bases in Saudi Arabia -and gave Bin Laden's family company the contract to build them. (Wall Street Journal Sept.27). P.S. Striking parallels: Vladimir Putin, head of the FSB (i.e. the KGB) was appointed Russian prime minister on August 9 1999. On 25 August 1999, Moscow journalist Alexander Zhilin wrote that a plan with the codename "Storm in Moscow" was being hatched in the Kremlin involving terrorist attacks against the Moscow population. On August 31, the first bomb blew apart a Moscow shopping centre. During September a series of bombings targeted civilian apartment buildings, killing hundreds. Islamic terrorists were blamed. The shock and outrage allowed Putin to reignite the war in Chechnya, and to grab power at home, becoming President the following year, and quietly suffocating Russia's already feeble democracy. The western media felt able to suggest the obvious - that Russian intelligence were behind the bombings. No matter what the evidence, we know they will not entertain the idea that the CIA and oil interests now grabbing new power inside and outside America could stoop to such Russian methods. And most people won't want to entertain it, because they know it might be true, and then you are faced with the considerable and all too real problem of what to do about it. (See, for example, the Kennedy assassination. The first one, say.) What to do about it is always the question. Links to sources: 1. http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/world/2001/1119/wor8.htm http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0201/ridgeway.php http://globalresearch.ca/articles/SHA111A.html For NY Times 'tribute' to O'Neill see http://www.legacy.com/nytimes/Sept11.asp?Page=TributeStory&PersonId=96837 (He is one of the few victims of Sept 11 whose tribute includes a smear.) 2. www.wsj.com http://emperors- clothes.com/news/bushladen.htm http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4288516,00. html 3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/searches/mainsrch.htm http://emperors-clothes.com/news/probestop-i.htm 4. http://www.lefigaro.fr/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTContentServer? pagename=FutureTense/Apps/Xcelerate/View&c=figArticle&cid =FIGJMSRVETC&live=true&Site=true&gCurChannel=ZZZJTGN6 J7C&gCurRubrique=ZZZ4GPM6J7C&gCurSubRubrique= http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0111/S00018.htm http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4289417,00.html http://www.copvcia.com/free/ww3/01_23_02_lucy.html 5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/events/newsnight/newsid_164 5000/1645527.stm 6. http://www.indiareacts.com/archivefeatures/nat2.asp? recno=10&ctg=%20 7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/south_asia/newsid_1550 000/1550366.stm http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4262511,00. html 8. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4264545,00.html http://www.dailytelegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=2FnewsF2001F04F14Fwjihad14.xml 9. http://www.timesofindia.com/articleshow.asp?catkey=-2128936835&art_id=1454238160&sType=1) http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO111A.html www.copvcia.com/stories/nov_2001/michele.html 10.(same article as 2) www.wsj.com http://emperors-clothes.com/news/bushladen.htm And for the PS, try for a start: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_449000/449325.stm I will be adding more to my own site as soon as possible. I have not yet looked at the contradictory official story of what happened on Sept 11 itself, for example - so I still have something in common with the newspapers. I haven't discussed the claims of warnings, or the suddenly vanishing story of the stock market speculation against airlines and reinsurers, and where it might lead. Nor have I discussed the reasons for the attack (abroad, the latest move of their expansion into areas left open by the collapse of Russia's empire, in this case the about-to-boom oilfields of the Caspian basin. At home, billions of dollars of taxpayers money, and the grabbing of increased executive power from the remains of democratic control.) Some more interesting facts on all this can also be found at: www.copvcia.com http://globalresearch.ca www.tenc.net and all over the place. hello.to/troubles 10 Clues To Sept 11 By C. Lewis Posted on the Independent Newswire on 8 February 2002 Ref: www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=131487 To Looking for Justice in All The Wrong Places Menu for Item 3 Are We On The Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1