![]() Now Laying Disinformation Foundation for Next Frame-Up/Mass Murder of Americans The Impossible Claim that al Qa'eda Readying Biological Attack |
John Walker Lindh, the American who fought for Afghan Independence with the al Qa-eda is suddenly claiming that he knows that al Qa-eda is about to use biological weapons on the U.S. Commentary on this news: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/agentsmiley/message/1597 How should we take this? If bin Laden himself did not know about a terrorist "event" against the U.S. until the Thursday before 9-11 (according to the US governments own primary-evidence video) then how would John Walker Lindh know about a biological attack when he was in the mountains among the decentralized on-the-run al Qa'eda? Also, bin Laden denied knowledge of the WTC crashbombing plot (and certainly we know that anti-Americanism is not monolithic even within South Asia and the Mideast -- bin Laden merely assumed that the crashbombings were opposition to the plutocratic mafias of Anglo-American finance capitalism -- he was not expecting a frame-up. YET EVEN AS AL QU'EDA AND AFGHANS WERE SLAUGHTERED BY AMERICAN BOMBS AND NORTHERN ALLIANCE DRUG LORDS NO TERROR RETALIATION TOOK PLACE! The Moslems watched a country destroyed and turned over to the old criminal tribes who had murdered and plundered, raped and corrupted in the early 90's -- watched these monsters come to power -- they watched as their leaders -- the innocent Taliban (who offered to turn over bin Laden at the outset if credible evidence was presented of his involvement -- since then we have seen the US produce a fraudulent doctored video with an actor mouthing spliced segments of bin Laden's speech edited by Hollywood (or CIA or Mossad) pros to (unsuccessfully) create wholly distorted meanings so as to falsely incriminate bin Laden and support their proffered rational for the conquest of Afghanistan -- BUT IF MOSLEM FUNDAMENTALISTS DID NOT USE TERROR WHILE ALL THIS WAS HAPPENING, WHY WOULD THEY SUDDENLY USE IT NOW? THEY WOULD NOT. IT WOULD BE MADNESS AND THEY KNOW IT. ON THE OTHER HAND, WHILE BUSH AND THE WHORE MONOPOLY MEDIA PRETEND THAT THE FRAME-UP HAS NOT BEEN EXPOSED, THEY CERTAINLY MUST KNOW THAT THE ENTIRE WORLD IS NOW FULLY AWARE OF THEIR DECEPTION, THEIR MURDERS, THEIR AGGRESSION, THEIR CONSPIRACY-COUP. THEY NEED TO BOTH ATTACK THE GROWING OPPOSITION IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES WITH LETHAL FORCE AND THEY NEED A DISTRACTION AND A (FAKED) VINDICATION TO JUSTIFY MORE AGGRESSION, MORE GRABS OF OIL AND OTHER RESOURCE WEALTH AND STRATEGIC GEOPOLITICAL POSITIONING FROM PEOPLES THEY DO NOT CONTROL. IF BIOLOGICAL WARFARE IS UNLEASHED IT WILL BE THE ANGLO-AMERICAN FINANZ-KAPITAL GLOBALIST ELITES WHO ARE BEHIND IT. IT IS THEY WHO WERE BEHIND THE DEATHS OF 5 LEADING MICROBIOLOGISTS WHO POSSIBLY WOULD HAVE BEEN DEVELOPING DEFENSES AGAINST SUCH A ROCKEFELLER-MALTHUSIAN SOLUTION TO SURPLUS PEOPLE, TO POPULIST VERMIN, TO UNSUSTAINABLE LEVELS OF POPULATION (unsustainable if they are to retain their trillions in wealth among their privileged thousands and against the rest of us). Afghan shepherds do not stop the cars of Harvard professors who develop cures for ebola disease and toss them off bridges -- that kind of crime more fits the mind of Mossad and the CIA -- guys who remote-control crashbomb the WTC with hijacked airliners to grab oil lands and save heroin revenues from Northern Alliance opium supplies to Chinese triad drug princelings. I say it is essential that the world let the Anglo-American-Israeli-Chinese ruling elites (i.e. globalist finance capitalism) know that we know that it is they who are about to release biological weapons on us. And we need to let them know that if they do so -- then all of their assets are immediately forfeited -- that they become enemies of mankind exactly as they have tried to frame innocent Afghans into being -- and all of the debt they hold will immediately be erased in a gigantic jubilee and a new world without international flows of capital, with well-regulated free-trade of goods and services, and an end to privately controlled central banking against the national interest. They know they are a tiny minority who has cheated the vast majority out of the wealth of the world and the health and civility of their cultures -- they know that even with the technology and perverted super-science their billions and their control of secret government resources affords them, they are still blown away as chaff once they are found out by sizable numbers of humanity willing to rectify these great injustices. By Dick Eastman eastman@compwrx.com Author’s Note Catching up on the 9-11 frame-up: http://www.whatmatters.nu/wmemails/wmemails4.html#WM-25 , and especially footnote 6 there - http://www.copyvcia.com Non-CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] news and analysis of the WTC crashbombing frame-up of Afghanistan and related matters: http://www.rense.com http://www.copvcia.com http://www.whatreallyhappened.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/agentsmiley http://www.emperors-clothes.com/ http://www.Public-Action.com http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/ http://daastol.com/EurasianGreatGame/ My articles are not available on an internet website, but my newsgroup messages (formerly "bulletin board" postings) are archived with everyone else’s at www.googlegroups.com. Choose googlegroups "advanced search" option at the top right of the page, then write in one of these groups: sci.econ, uk.politics.economics, alt.politics.greens, alt.thebird in which to search; then write my name, Dick Eastman, as the author you are looking for; and specify the time interval of interest (careful there are thousands). Also sign up and join me in posting to these groups. (That's how I got started.) The tide has turned and the hecklers are fewer and much more subdued than they were in the early days. ============= Solution oriented (men whose writings to people around the world seeking freedom from finance globalism's economic and political tyranny.): http://www.whatmatters.nu/wmemails/wmemailsindex.html http://members.ams.chello.nl/jsteenis Action: Nancy Grant runs against CFR Janet Reno and CFR Bush in Florida's 2002 Gubernatorial race: www.nancygrant.com/ Nancy Grant will prepare the way for Ron Paul in 2004, having proven to us all that an anti-globalization victory over finanz-kapital debt slavery is more than merely thinkable. I say the future of the U.S. could pivot on this one state election. Money and labor here and now is worth ten times what it will buy in November 2004. Enough said. "I AM THE CANDIDATE THAT WILL REPRESENT YOU THE PEOPLE, NOT THE CORPORATIONS, BANKS OR THE BAR ASSOCIATION." -- Nancy Grant Nancy Grant is our stepping-stone to the BIG ONE: Ron Paul for President in 2004 both a call for reform, a protest, and a "booster shot" for the principles of the great American Revolutionary War against corrupt aristocracies and international corporations in 1776. Ron Paul for President 2004 PROJECT FREEDOM, Official Website of Ron Paul http://www.house.gov/paul/ http://www.petitiononline.com/Paul2004/ Let's get the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) out of the driver’s seat. http://www.truthinhistory.org/empire.htm Ron Paul for President 2004 PROJECT FREEDOM, Official Website of Ron Paul http://www.house.gov/paul/ ========= The CIA Capture and Reconditioning Of John Walker Lindh Now Laying Disinformation Foundation For Next Frame-Up/Mass Murder of Americans - The Impossible Claim that al Qa'eda Readying Biological Attack 24 January 2002 Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington Every man is responsible to every other man. To next article in Covering Up the Cover-Up Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1