![]() The Mass Media Plays Military Cheerleader |
The goal of the U.S. ruling class and its puppet U.S. government is military and economic domination and exploitation of the entire world. It has nothing to do with terrorism or standing for justice or any such nonsense. But democracy could not be destroyed without the help of their cheerleaders, the U.S. mass media. Note: this article was written before yesterday's announcement of the transfer of all state power to the secret shadow government. ------------------------------------------- IN A MEMO not considered important enough to publicize in the mainstream press, Attorney General John Ashcroft recently commanded the Justice Department to resist all requests under the Freedom of Information Act. And President George Bush has ordered the records of recent U.S. presidents sealed from the public. Our government must operate beyond the purview of the people entirely. It is already mostly there. Meanwhile revelations continue to surface about U.S. pressure on the Taliban over the past several years to allow an oil pipeline through Afghanistan. The Taliban refused even under threat of U.S. bombing. Then Sept. 11 gave the government the perfect excuse to bomb that already poverty-stricken country even further into the Stone Age. Several sources cite 3,600 civilian casualties and millions starving and displaced into hell-hole refugee camps. Now the United States is installing a new government friendly to its interests, that is, to building an oil pipeline through their country. Of course, the function of the mass media is to provide a cheering section for our military destruction of other peoples and to hide the truth. But just in case the propaganda system is not effective enough, government secrecy must be increased. Under the anti-terrorism act, the millions of noncitizens in the United States can be detained on "secret evidence." The government is not required to operate in public. Whatever democracy we may have had is in shambles. But don't think that the "watchdog" press will scream at the destruction of democracy. Their job is to be cheerleaders for government policy and the big corporations that control our government. In 1993, the press gave great hype to the U.S. Marines landing in Somalia on a humanitarian mission to a starving country in chaos. There was no mention of the fact that the United States had for the previous two decades supported a brutal dictator who destroyed the country while selling off the rights to nearly two-thirds of the country to U.S. oil corporations . After the people revolted and chaos ensued, the Marines were sent in as "saviors." Similarly, the mainstream press has ignored revelations of a whistle-blower working for DynCorp in Bosnia, a giant corporation that provides maintenance support for the U.S. military . The whistle blower provided evidence of massive fraud involving military money. What reportedly led him to speak out was DynCorp executives buying 12- to 15-year-old girls from neighboring countries as sex slaves . Researchers have documented that sex slavery and prostitution for executives of U.S. corporations is a worldwide, multibillion-dollar business. Money is power and that is why the U.S. military (with much of our national budget to use in secret ways we will never know about) and U.S. corporations rule the world, devouring everything, raping the globe of its precious resources, destroying the environment and paying off the mass media to be their cheerleaders and pimps. It is the same for poor countries around the world - from Somalia to Afghanistan to Yugoslavia (destroyed by the U.S. military in 1998) to Iraq (destroyed by the U.S. military in 1991) to East Timor (whose invasion by Indonesia had U.S. approval) to Nicaragua (whose revolution against a U.S.-installed dictator was destroyed by a U.S.-created terrorist army during the 1980s). Any government that cares about its people, the U.S. propaganda machine calls a "communist dictatorship." The United States destroyed the Nicaraguan government by 1990 and instituted a new government that cared for our multinational corporations more than the people. We call this "free trade." Today, sweatshops operate in "free trade zones" in Managua exploiting a starving people at misery-level wages so you and I can buy cheap clothing in superstores. I recently returned from India where I toured huge slums . Even I was shocked at the level of misery of the tens of thousands of people living there. Jammed into tiny rooms, entire families work day after day making the products that you and I buy so inexpensively. They get pennies per day for their endless work. They sell to middlemen who sell to the big corporations that are taking over India . Hundreds of thousands exist in a living hell of hunger, disease and insecurity. This is why democracy is being destroyed in the United States and around the world. The goal of the U.S. ruling class and its puppet U.S. government is military and economic domination and exploitation of the entire world. It has nothing to do with terrorism or standing for justice or any such nonsense. But democracy could not be destroyed without the help of their cheerleaders, the U.S. mass media. That is why it is important that none of the things I have mentioned ever gets reported. The people must be convinced to voluntarily give up democracy and the future of our planet. The Death of Democracy in America [and the World] The Mass Media Plays Military Cheerleader By Glen T. Martin Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Radford University - Radford, Virginia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLEN T. MARTIN is a professor of philosophy and religious studies at Radford University in Virginia and is president of International Philosophers for Peace. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.aztlan.net/deathdem.htm www.aztlan.net/deathdem.htm Posted on the Independent Newswire on 2 March 2002 Ref: www.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=143301&group=webcast To next article in the Cunningly Deceptive and Abominable CIA et al, Mossad Included Phase 1 “Know” Menu Looking for Justice in All the Wrong Places Menu Insights-Reflections-Analysis Menu Covering Up the Cover Up Menu The Reality of Israeli Zionist Infiltration Menu Are We On the Path of Expanding Liberty or Tyranny? Declaring Independence and A State of Global Rebellion Menu A Picture of the Stars and A Voice from the Ethers Menu Interim Addendums During Phase 1