
As Humans for Humanity and the Planet we embrace the principles and charter of the World Social Forum (WSF). However, we have, through “Planetization” built upon and expanded the WSF's credo and working hypothesis—that "Another World Is Possible”—by presenting a holistic concrete action plan for achieving the kinder, gentler and more equitable world that the human race, as it includes humanity's Third World masses, seek and deserve.

As with the World Social Forum, we see the need to change the globalization framework and reality to one of anti-imperialism, anti-corporate globalization. At the same time we see neoliberalism and neo-conservatism as simply other channels devised by the same system for creating, contributing and prolonging the corruption and inequity on the Planet.

It is our conviction that a clear choice for positive change must be presented to transcend the materialist structure and its inhuman exploitation of the Earth, humankind and all its natural resources for the selfish advantage of the few, and like the 1776 American Declaration of Independence, to pull away from all deception, oppression and tyranny and create the new and the free for all of humankind.

It is our intention to lay down that radical departure.

Action Must Back Words

We are here for those of the World Social Forum who see that system change is necessary to lay the foundation for a just world. We are here to offer a new and viable model for the needed changes called for by the WSF through a sweeping framework and blueprint for world social-economic change brought through Planetization , a remarkably insightful and inspired work by the nom de guerre , The Human Union:

“So why is there a constant unrest and upheaval in the world? Our very desire for change of government, whether in a democracy or not, is our unconscious or unexamined desire to will the outer like the inner, that is, the outer reality like the inner goodness, idealism, dimension or frequency of the human heart—even in times of so-called economic prosperity. But our outer concepts have not been complete because they have not been rooted, understood and enacted in the light of the universal principles that give shape to the wisdom, goodness and idealism (frequency and dimension) of the human heart.

[The Planetization ] book, in its abridged and unabridged form is simply a response to our innate and inherent desire to stretch the envelope where our concepts finally match the greatness of the human heart. In this process, some concepts—like worn out and worthless shoes—are discarded, while others are born to carry humanity forward.”

Resistance to an Unjust and Violent World

The vision of the Planetization book, specifically resists the model for globalization formulated at the annual World Economic Forum by multinational corporations, governments of industrialized nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade Organization, all of which are foot soldiers for the forces of greed that are destroying the Earth and enslaving her peoples.

We see with the “dialoguing” of the World Social Forum, as with any dialoguing when it is not taken to root cause, as with protest, only the specific events are seen, and not the larger structures that cause the behaviors that cause the events in the first place. To effectively resolve problems, we know we need to change the structures, i.e. system – not just react to events.

We understand that without a holistic vision embracing the Planet in a focused plan to change the dynamic of the Planet (derived from our common humanity as seen in the Planetization book), we are pitted forever and constantly against one another and to Nature itself by the money power in our “nationalistic” worlds.

New Planetary Paradigm

We believe that domination by capital in its exclusionary framework of decision-making, of its ever widening gap of "haves" and "have-nots," its goal and effect of social inequality, racism, sexism, and its trend and trajectory of intensified and expanded world hunger, environmental destruction and degradation of human quality of life is immune to the actions of decentralization as adopted by the WSF. Humans for Humanity and the Planet see that a totally new holistic paradigm is needed and necessary for the world to change at the necessary rate to ward off future environmental degradation and destruction on a global scale.

We therefore offer through the central and cohering framework of the Planetization model a linking of all struggles in a union of all peoples in a compassionate, humane and holistic form that will over-ride Tyranny and transform the structures of the Planet, thereby opening the way for social and economic enhancement and upliftment of the human race, while at the same time restoring equity and balance in our relationships with animals and with Gaia, the Earth Mother to which we are all connected.

A New Model of Governance to Make the Old Obsolete

We believe that national governments are, through the collective idea of nation states, herders and facilitators for the corporations. We do not look to nation states for needed system change, but, rather, to the protection and empowerment of the sovereign individual within and without “nation states” to create a new nation, the Human Nation . In the world-wide mergence of compassion and humanity we see the emergence of our O neness spontaneously leaping beyond the selfish agendas of the nation states to OUR next evolutionary level of the Human Family. Through the cohering force of the Planetization book, we have broken through, as the one human race, into “Another Possible World” as the fulfillment of the World Social Forum ideal, which through Planetization has at last been made real.

Live Free or Die

In the Planetization blue print and plan we can seamlessly lay down a global structure directly in tune with human and Planetary needs and wants.

United in a common, global vision, we can put forward a new system that liberates us at once into global citizens—that we may MOVE, in a brief window of time, from the tentacles and stranglehold of an unwanted global tyranny and the destruction of the planet—to the CLEAR choice of enlightenment and a palpable liberty as we, at the same time, change the course of the planet.

Real Planetary Assimilation with the First Nations

The First Nations

Planetization acknowledges the wisdom of the custodians and keepers of the Great Spirit and the Earth Mother and calls on the indigenous cultures to merge their wisdom with modern technology, so that the latter is balanced, kept in check and guided to create in benign ways to interact with the natural systems of Mother Earth. Without the joining of the two types of knowledge—the ancient and the modern—we have caused the whole Planet to tilt toward severe imbalance in the materialist paradigm of an industrial-military-corporate age.


We therefore call on the native peoples of the Earth to unite with the Planetization vision and as we, people from all races, red, yellow, black and white, take the Planet forward, together, with the two types of knowledge as originally intended in the Hopi prophecy to complete the Sacred Circle for the promised life of peace and plenty—by following the spiritual path.